日博备用网站 and the United Arab Emirates (阿联酋) have a long history of strong bilateral relations and fruitful cooperation. The first Swedish companies established themselves in the 阿联酋 back in the 1960s, 如今,日博备用网站上大约有200家日博备用网站公司.

日博备用网站企业在阿联酋做得很好. 事实上, 70 per cent of the Swedish companies report their financial performance in 2023 was profitable. An encouraging 74 per cent of Swedish companies perceive the business climate in the 阿联酋 as good or very good, 反映对经营环境的积极看法.

近年来, the 阿联酋 has taken several steps towards promoting environmental 可持续性 through long-term strategies and regulations. In 2016, 出台《2017-2050年国家应对气候变化规划》, 2021年, 阿联酋宣布他们的目标是到2050年实现净零排放, 使阿联酋成为中东和北非地区第一个这样做的国家. 通过这些举措, customers in the 阿联酋 will likely start to consider a product's or service's environmental aspects in their purchasing decisions to a greater extent.

Please download the report to fully overview the results with a detailed analysis. 


在2024年2月和3月进行, this survey seeks to understand the perceptions of economic and market developments, 以及日博备用网站企业面临的机遇和挑战.

This year, 67 respondents participated in the web-based survey, answering 25 questions. This means the sample size is large enough to be statistically significant and allows for a more confident representation of the entire population of Swedish companies present in the 阿联酋.

We hope this study will bring insights that can support both companies currently operating in the market and those planning to establish themselves in the 阿联酋, 一如既往, we stand ready to support all Swedish companies with an interest in the 中东.